
According to popular book, What to Expect When You’re Expecting, “you can have all of the signs
of early pregnancy and not be pregnant. Or you can have only a few of them and be very definitely pregnant.” It’s important that you not rely on symptoms alone to diagnose pregnancy. Possible signs of pregnancy include:
  • Absence of menstruation usually for the entire pregnancy.
  • Morning sickness (anytime of day) 2-8 weeks after conception.
  • Frequent urination usually 6-8 weeks after conception.
  • Tingling, tender, swollen breasts as early as a few days after conception.
  • Changes in color of vaginal and cervical tissue (first trimester).
  • Darkening of area around nipple and elevation of tiny glands around nipple (first trimester).
  • Blue and pink lines under skin on breasts and later on abdomen (first trimester).
  • Food cravings (first trimester).
  • Darkening of line from navel to pubis (4th or 5th month).


Remember, it is important to see a doctor to confirm pregnancy.